British blackjack is a popular variation of blackjack that is played with totally different rules from traditional blackjack. In the game, a minimum of two players are dealt seven cards, with the aim being to get rid of all of your cards before your opponent. With each turn, players can put down a card if it matches the previous card's number or suit. If not, they need to pick up another card. In this guide to British Blackjack, we are going to detail how the game is played, explore special British Blackjack 7 cards, and more.
How to play British Blackjack?
In British Blackjack, the aim is to remove all of the cards from your hand. To do this, you can place a card down if it matches the previous rank or suit. At the start of the game, the dealer deals seven cards to each player and then turns up the first card on the top of the deck, starting the action.
Players can then place down their first card. If you are matching the suit, then it can only be the same number or higher. For example, if the first card revealed is a 6 of diamonds, you can place down a six of any suit, or a 7 of diamonds, 8 of diamonds, 9 of diamonds, and so on.
In the game, some cards will have different abilities. Let’s explore what some of those special British Blackjack cards are:
Two “2”
If you play two of any suit, the next player has to draw two cards. However, if they have a two to match you, you must then pick up four cards. This can continue if you have another two and will continue until no one is able to place one down. The number of cards that must be drawn accumulates on each turn.
Play British Blackjack
Jack “J”
There are two Jacks you want to look out for: the Black Jack and the Red Jack. The Black Jack forces the other player to pick up five cards. If you have two, they have to pick up ten. The Red Jack cancels out the effects of the Black Jack.
Seven “7”
A seven reverses the order of play. Instead of going left to right, it will now go right to left. In some versions of the game, seven is replaced by ten.
Eight “8”
Playing an eight means the next player skips a turn, giving you the chance to put down another card straight away.
Ace “A”
Ace effectively acts as the game's wild card. It can be played at any time, and you can decide which suit it represents.
British Blackjack 7 Card Rules
The rules of the British Blackjack 7 card game are likely very different to any other blackjack variation you have played in the past. Let’s break them down one by one:
- A minimum of two players is needed to play.
- Each player is dealt seven cards by the dealer. The deck is then placed face down, with the top card turned over to begin.
- The player to the dealer’s left starts.
- If you have a card that matches the suit or rank, you can play it. You can play multiple cards at once. If you do not have a card, you must draw one from the deck.
- When playing all your cards at once, you must shout ‘Cards’. If you do not, you must draw two cards.
- If you are on your last card, you must also declare ‘Last Card’ or draw two more cards.
- You are not allowed to finish with any of the previously mentioned special cards.
- The game is won when a player has no cards left.
Playing Blackjack Online
Scoring in British Blackjack
In a traditional game of British Blackjack with two players, the winner gets one point per round. The first person to score ten points is the winner. If there are three players, the winner gets two points, second place gets one, and third plce gets none. You can then add one for each additional player.
If the game ends in a draw, which is possible when there are more than two playing, then a tie-breaker round will be played to determine the winner.
Playing British Blackjack Online
British Blackjack online is one of the most unique blackjack variations around and has become increasingly popular over the years. Of course, like all games, British Blackjack is a game of chance, and players should always ensure they gamble responsibly when playing.